Damboree Day 2

Really busy day for the Beavers today. We have tried our hand at archery with some bulls eyes scored. The Beavers put up a hike tent with minimal help. We have built fired, toasted marshmallows and made some nordic braided…

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Damboree Day 1

It’s only been 4 hours but we have done so much already. The tents are up and all the Beavers are settled in. We have played a couple of wide games, I’ve done 10,000 steps and the Beavers were running…

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Beavers in the Belfry

We frequently hear the bells of St Mary’s ringing at as we finish our meetings and we thought it would be a good idea to go and investigate what was going on. Last Friday, the Beavers had an exciting and educational experience…

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Beaver Leaders Needed

We are looking for new adults who would like to join our team of volunteers working with youth members ages 6 – 7. Please see the positions available.

Damboree 2022 – Day 2

There was clearly alot to talk about last night, as there was chatting coming from various tents until 2am. That did not stop some beavers getting up at 6am. We’ve had a great day doing archery, learning some Scouting skills…

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Damboree 2022 – Day 1

We have only been on the site for 4 hours and packed loads in. All the Beavers are very excited about sleeping in tents and had their bedding out really early. We have played games and eaten hot dogs. I’m…

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