Online Scout Manager – Personal Details

Billy recently joined 1st Liss Scout Group and we need some personal details about Billy and his parents/carers. Personal details should also be updated whenever they change, we may also ask them to confirm details from time to time and when you sign up for an event if they have not been confirmed for more than 3 months.

Primary Contact 1 & 2

The top part of the page provides contact details. The Primary Contact boxes are for parent/guardian details so that we can keep you informed and you will get information about events and payments. We also need at least one address for a primary contact,

Emergency Contact

The emergency contact section is for you to provide us with a point of contact for your child when we go away on trips and camps, while this may be the same as one of your primary contact details, it allows you to make temporary changes e.g. if you are taking advantage of your child being at camp to get away for a weekend or you temporarily nominate someone else to be the emergency contact. The emergency contact information is also the only information we take in printed form when we go away in case we cannot access the online records.

Member Contact Details

Although we primarily communicate with parents/carers for all youth members under 18, youth members can be included in these communications if their email address is entered in this section, this is particularly of value to Scouts and Young Leaders. We will never communicate with a young person without also including a primary contact as an additional address so there is complete transparency and accountability in any communication,

As there are some restrictions on what youth members can do within OSM, and you should not include a parent’s email address here as the system is set to prevent young people from committing to payments so that you stay in control. If you accidentally add your email address here you will need to contact your section leader to unlock the parent functionality again.

Doctor’s Surgery Details

In the very unlikely event of an accident having this information to hand helps us manage an emergency.

Essential and Additional Information

This section lets us know important information about your child. Unfortunately, the box sizes are set by the system and we cannot make them bigger so please try and be succinct.

Medical Details: If we know about your child’s medical conditions, we can work with you and them to ensure that our programme is fully accessible.

Allergies: are also important for us to know about, we would rather avoid an allergic incident than find out about an allergy when we are out and about.

Dietary requirements: helps us plan camp menus as we need to know about dietary needs such as vegan or vegetarian or if there are any foods that cannot be eaten for medical or religious reasons.

Tetanus: If your child has had a Tetanus vaccination this is helpful information for us in the unlikely case of an emergency. They should have received this at 3 years and 4 months – as part of the 4-in-1 pre-school booster.

Swimming: Although all our activities are thoroughly risk assessed, when we take part in activities on or near water, we need to know if your child can swim 50m unaided.

School: We use school information to help with friendship groups in the section.

Any other information: This is an area where you can let us know any other relevant information.


We need to have your consent for your child, These include:

Photography: We are always keen to publicise the activities of our young people and we have a general consent for photography and the use of images of your child by 1st Liss Scout Group and The Scout Association. Please note that we have no control over photographers when we are in public spaces e.g. outside the HQ or on Remembrance Sunday parade etc. Please also be mindful that other parents may not want their children’s images to be posted on social media so either only post pictures of your own children or check with the other child’s parents before posting,

Sensitive Information: Please ensure that you explicitly agree to us processing Sensitive information. As you have entered the information above, we assume you agree but we need your explicit consent. Without this consent, it will be harder to keep your child safe.

Over-counter medicines: As first-aiders, we are not permitted to administer over-the-counter medicines. However, we do have a range of over-the-counter medicines that we can administer we can do this with your permission. Most of the time we will contact you first, however, if we cannot reach you, during the night or when the application is needed urgently e.g. for sting relief, having your permission in advance will allow us to act as a “responsible parent”. If your child is allergic, please note this in the allergy box above,