A busy first couple of days in camp. Today, the cubs headed off to Brownsea Island, to the site of the first camp organised by Baden Powel in 1907. We have all been plane spotting, and some of the cubs…
Cub Camp pt 2
Better weather today, and after breakfast the cubs all passed inspection – tidy kit bags and clean hands ? This afternoon they made camp bread and toasted it on fires. Then it was down to the pool for a swim….
Cubs ‘Summer’ Camp 2023
It’s summer camp – torrential rain, strong winds, thunder and squelchy ground – but the cubs are taking it all in their stride and thoroughly enjoying themselves. And we have seen the sun briefly! After getting the site set up…
Cub Camp 2022: Day 1 & 2
Not much to report from day one on Camp. After successfully setting up all their tents, the Cubs had some free-time and a tour of the site from Akela. This was followed by dinner and some hot chocolate later on…